
Saturday May 11, 2019
Talking About Human Behavior - FT. Mark Struczewski
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
Mark ‘Ski’ Struczewski (“Mister Productivity”) is passionate about teaching people how to take their productivity to the next level and perform at optimum levels. As a guest on Mark's podcast, Richard covers what the breakdown of the American farm has to do with human behavior today, emotions travel in 3s, his thoughts on failure and doubt, and the accountability circle.

Monday May 06, 2019
5 Philosophies of Human Behavior - ft. David Knox
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
Join David Knox, international speaker, as he interviews Richard Flint about his top 5 Foundational Principles for life. Everyone has a foundation of principles they say they live by, but the challenge is are they words or behaviors? Richard explains the most repeated philosophy he has ever written for life Behavior Never Lies plus 4 of his remaining 16.

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
The 4 Secrets To Closing More Business
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Is selling about selling the customer a product or staying connected to the customer from beginning to end? There is always business to be done, but there is not always Salespeople who understand the process of being “connected” that will gain them the business the customer brings. Join me as we talk about “4 Secrets To Closing More Business.” Together let’s learn the process that will allow you to stay connected to the Customer throughout your journey with them and grow that connection into repeat and referral business.

Friday Jan 18, 2019
10 Principles To Becoming Your Own Money Manager - ft. Terry Bass
Friday Jan 18, 2019
Friday Jan 18, 2019
How important is your Financial Security to YOU? In today's world, it is one of the most talked about aspects of life. Will I have enough money to retire? How do I get from under this financial load? How do I learn to save money? My guest, Terry Bass, is going to show you how to become a financial manager of your money, and help you learn how to make healthier financial decisions. You don’t want to miss this conversation!

Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Strengthening Your Passion
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Thursday Jan 17, 2019
Passion is more than a love affair for what you are doing with your life. It is the inner battery that recharges your inner spirit from all the challenges, struggles and events that deplete your spirit. When passion is weak, so is one’s motivation and energy. Strengthening Your Passion is an in-depth examination into the “What’s,” “How’s” and “Why’s” to the weakening of passion. A life lacking passion is a life without the energy to make a difference in their own life or the lives they touch. Only when passion is strong can one bring quality to what they are doing and provide the leadership that will increase their value.

Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Behaviors That Sabotage Your Dating Experience - ft. Kimberly Koehler
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Wednesday Jan 16, 2019
Have you ever wondered if you were going to find Mr. or Miss Right? The world of dating has changed over the past few years. Now it seems more and more single people are turning to the internet to find that “Someone Special!” Join me as I talk with dating coach, Kimberly Koehler, and we talk about the “7 Behaviors That Sabotage Your Dating Experience.” Whether you are divorced, widowed or have never married, there are things you need to know as you venture into the world of dating. Kimberly is going to share with us the “do’s and don’ts” for dating in this new world of finding that right person.

Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Dollars and Business Sense - ft. Jennifer Todd
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tax season is not that far off. It’s the time of year we all look forward to. Here is the challenge – the tax codes are changing so rapidly, it’s hard for any of us to keep up. What can you claim or not claim for deductions? What do you need to know? Join me and my guest, Jennifer Todd, CPA, as we talk about Dollars and Business Sense. Jennifer is going to share with us some financial tips that can save all of us money, and if you are a business owner, she is going to help you understand how to financially strengthen your bottom line.

Monday Jan 14, 2019
The School System and Children - ft. Mark Hansen
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Are young people really being given a quality education? Are they being prepared to pass a test or for life? Join my guest, Mark Hansen, and me as we talk about what the School System is really about today. Mark was the youngest person to ever be elected to the Palm Beach County School Board and ran into so many walls because of his desire to see education improved. His insights are eye opening.

Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Gem Stones - ft. Larry Markson
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
This is one show YOU don’t want to miss! My guest will be Dr. Larry Markson, one of the most renowned Chiropractors in North America. Dr. Markson is known as one who understands how to help a human life adjust from the inside out. He will be sharing with us his 15 Gem Stones for taking your life forward with a platform of foundations to place your life on.

Saturday Jan 12, 2019
Strengthening Your Foundation As A Leader
Saturday Jan 12, 2019
Saturday Jan 12, 2019
Not everyone who has the title of “Leader” is actually a “Leader!” Some are simply a person with a title, rather than a person whose personality is committed to the process of strengthening the organization. Join me as I discuss the 6 steps to Strengthening Your Foundation as a Leader!