
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
On this episode, Jennifer Gligoric of Leafy Legal Services, interviews one of America’s top personal development speakers and coaches, Richard Flint. Richard has 7 Foundational Principles that he teaches us about. The first principle is that behavior never lies; meaning actions are louder than words, and to lead a truly successful team, lead by example. Second principle is if you don’t confront it, you validate it. Confrontation is the skill of resolutions. Practice using “I have concern, here’s what’s causing my concern, what can we do to correct this”? Thirdly, be a presence that is present even when you aren’t present. This concept ties in with the next, earn respect by showing quality and consistency. Richard also discusses the 4 rooms in everyone’s life. To have balance you have to put your personal room first (time to think for yourself), then your family room (for emotional support), next, your business room (how you define yourself) and lastly your social room (where you go to relax). Richard’s final thoughts with us are the insightful concept that we all have 6 fears in life. If you can find your number 1 fear and control that fear, you can control the other 5 and not allow fear to run your life. To find out more about Jennifer and Leafy Legal Services, visit https://www.leafyassets.com.